Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Rabbi Mendel Horowitz, M.Sc.
Congratulations to our very own R' Mendel Horowitz, who aced his final semester with straight A's in graduate school and is only two weeks away from adding the precious letters M.S.C. to his title. R' Mendel always gives his students a high standard to live up to. Derech Etz Chaim is very proud to have a such a scholar and a gentleman in our midst.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
HaDran Alach Mesechet Kiddushin and Makkos
Derech Etz Chaim was misayem both mesechet Kiddushin and Mesechet Maakos this year
Amitai Scott was given the honor to misayem mesechet Kiddushin at the closing Melaveh Malka on June 16th.
The Maakos Siyum was held at the Rosh Yeshiva's house BBQ style. Below is part of the outgoing shana gimmel crew saying the hadrans in the Rosh Yeshiva's living room. Jonah Zisquit (heading IY"H to Lander College), Isaac Manaster (IY"H to Sha'ar Yashuv) and Brian Tolstano (IY"H - TBA)
Amitai Scott was given the honor to misayem mesechet Kiddushin at the closing Melaveh Malka on June 16th.
The Maakos Siyum was held at the Rosh Yeshiva's house BBQ style. Below is part of the outgoing shana gimmel crew saying the hadrans in the Rosh Yeshiva's living room. Jonah Zisquit (heading IY"H to Lander College), Isaac Manaster (IY"H to Sha'ar Yashuv) and Brian Tolstano (IY"H - TBA)

Monday, June 18, 2007
Jon Degani's Wedding

What a way for Derech Etz Chaim to end the z'man. At the beautiful Kfar Maccabiah Hotel in Tel Aviv the entire yeshiva celebrated with the chassan on June 12th. The Rosh Yeshiva was the mesader kiddushin. Brachot under the chuppah were made by R' Moshe Eliyahu , R' Mendel Horowitz and R' Leibowitz. R' Sheftel read the ketubah. Alumni BJ Mermelstein and Aaron Paine were also given kibbudim.

We were glad that the yeshiva could make the wedding leibadik for Jon and that the yeshiva could get together and celebrate in such a fashion before having to say goodbye for the year.
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