After winning the AFI Championships in 5769, this mighty "football" school of 35 students are back in the big game. Amazingly, this is a completely new team. Only one student who played in the 5769 Championship is back in 5771 (Pinchas Schwartzbaum) and there is no player on the team who is not a DEC student.
And we didn't just beat top rated Lobos in the Semi-Finals - we whalloped them 101-6. Well we would have won 101-6 if we hadn't run out of time. Just take a look for yourself!!
Sadoff, we might have to make a"Championship Sweatshirt"
Yeah this 5771 team is awesome, but now is when all of the "what ifs" start to emerge.
Could this 5771 team beat the 5769 Championship team?
And let's not forget about the DEC team from 5766?
Photos courtesy of Anat Goldstein