Once again the boys at Derech Etz Chaim baked matza with their rebbeim in the comfort of their very own cheder ochel. They kneeded, pounded, rolled, holed and baked (and quickly cleaned up again) their way to hand-made shmurah matzah. Watching the well-oiled, finely tuned "DEC machine" team churning out matzahs every nine minutes is a sight to behold.
Pictured is shana gimel, Jonah Zisquit, waiting for Rachamim to pass him a perfectly rounded matzah to perforate with holes. Afterwhich, he will yell "MAAATTTTZZZZAAAAHH !!!!!!", causing a pole laden R' Sheftel to surface through the window and bring the beautiful flat dough to its purpose and destiny - the burning oven.
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