Mazal Tov to Ari Kellerman and his kallah Bashie Melman on their engagement from all of us at Derech Etz Chaim. Last year Ari was everyone's favorite Madrich at Derech Etz Chaim. Ari, we missed you in the dorms, in the beis midrash, in the softball lineup, Monday nights in the gym, on tiyulim, at breakfast and of course for morning shacharis wakeup. Most of all we missed your "shana billions" Purim skit and your "have you ever been to the water spout - the very end of the water system".
We hope your learning has been productive in YU Smicha and we are thrilled to see you acclimate beyond the dating world into the realm of engagement. Wishing we could all be there with you at this special moment - but this virtual tribute will have to do for now. Mazel Tov wishes can be sent to Kellerman via his OnlySimchas page or directly at Micro274@aol.com
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