This year in Yerushalayim we had Purim Meshulash which means:
Megillah and Matanot L'Evyonim on Friday
Al Hanissim and Purim Torah Reading Maftir on Shabbos
Mishloach Manot and Seudah on Sunday
On Sunday the yeshiva starts at
Rav Gittleman's house on Rechov Shaulzonfor for lots of Purim Torah, breakfast and some of Rav Gittlemans special wine. It is not like R' Gittleman's shiur are the only ones invited to his house, but they are usually the only ones who can get up that early as they are rigorously trained to be on time for morning seder.

After a while we all head to
R' Mendel's on Rechov Mishkelov for a nice spread for brunch, more alcohol of assorted variety and a lot of interesting characters (friends of R' Mendel) who show up. This year there were no wine slushes available. Also, the dining room table didn't collapse like last year, but it was still a lot of fun.

Next we head back to Shaulzon Street to
Rabbi Katz's house for Mincha and join the Rosh Yeshiva for his seudah. Mrs. Katz always makes great food and Rabbi Katz sings his favorite tune of Shoshanat Yaakov.

Finally around 2:30 or so we all end up in Beit Vegan at
R' Sheftel for the official Yeshiva Seudah. Lots of singing, more food, more wine and this is where the guys from yeshiva pour out their hearts to their rebbeim and their friends. נכנס יין יצא סוד. This is where our guys talk about who and what they are and who they want to striving to become.

Some reflections: Steibel and Schaffer; Akiva letting Meir Gersten hear it; R' Mendel lets Sam Ash have it; Yeruchum begging R' Sheftel; Josh, Simmy and Rabbi Katz; Uri sleepover; Birnbaum decides to sit down for Maariv; Calling on
DEC guys to post your own comments..........