Over Pesach,
Derech Etz Chaim doesn't shut down the way other yeshivot may, but rather we encourage students to stay for the bein hazmanim period. About half of our students stuck around for the month of Nissan and -- as usual -- we had many homeless guests from other yeshivot looking for a warm home.

One special and generous gesture, by the
Rosh Yeshiva and Mrs. Katz, is hosting the second seder for our students (along with all the other yom tov sheini meals) and any of their guests. After many shiurim on the Haggadah in the past month at yeshiva, the boys can fire away with their questions as well as be marveled by thought provoking commentary on the Haggadah by the Rosh Yeshiva.

This year was especially exciting as our students have been learning Mesechet Pesachim this year. The boys saw how much they were able to participate and understand due to their studies throughout the year, enhancing their seder experience.
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