We are excited to start our 11th year of DEC in a new home. We (mostly Shmulik) have been renovating over the summer and we hope the new group of shana alef boys enjoy and appreciate the new building (we know the shana bet students will). Alumni will appreciate the larger beis midrash and cheder ochel when they come visit. Much thanks to Rabbi Katz, Zack Eisner, Raimy Rubin, R' Sheftel, Betzalel, Yaakov Rose, B.J. and everyone else who helped with the move.
Most of our address is the same. 12 Ibn Danan instead of 4. Part of the Ma'alin B'Kodesh approach we profess. We appreciate the shana alef guys "roughing it" a little bit while we complete all the final little details over the next week or so.
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