After spending a year of learning in Israel, one of the most monumental decisions a student can make is to stay Shana Bet. After a year of breaking bad habits, fine tuning life goals and developing learning skills, Shana Bet is about blasting off in the rockship that you have built Shana Alef shooting for the stars.
Shana Bet brings with it a lot of responsibility. It is important to be role models for the Shana Alef students, to bring the ruach on Shabbos meals and Onegs and to set the tone in the Beis Midrash. At
Derech Etz Chaim, Shana Bet is synonomous with
R' Zalman Gittleman and
R' Moshe Eliyahu Rosenbaum, the morning Iyun shiur and the afternoon Bekiut shiur, respectively.

Shana Bet has its priviliges as well. Above Shana Bet students Yeruchum Pliner and Adam Siebzener join R' Moshe Eliyahu for Shabbos in Netanya. Here they are returning from the private beach on Friday, after an opportunity to say Tashlich and relax by shore.
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