It's cold and rainy outside, but the beis midrash is smoking along full steam ahead. From Chanukah until Purim, with the exception of a tiyul here and there is the long haul of winter zman where the DEC students pour in on. The students are fully acclimated to three sedarim per day and are producing quantity and quality in morning, afternoon and night sedarim
R' Aharon Katz's shiur has turned the corner on
Kamza and Bar Kamza, with
R' Moshe Eliyahu's shiur not far behind. R' Sheftel's group has just started the fourth perek. In the morning's both
R' Gittleman's shiur and
R' Wolff's shiur has covered the eighth perek and are halfway through the ninth.
R' Mendel's shiur, as usual, is "somewhere over the rainbow"

Above we have Joe learning with Chaim and Kobi learning with Yissie, reviewing bekiyus from
R' Sheftel's shiur
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