One of the most wonderful things about being a student at
Derech Etz Chaim is that relationships with rebbeim and talmidim last a lifetime. A talmid at Derech Etz Chaim becomes an exclusive member of an extended family with
R' Aharon Katz as our rosh yeshiva and patriarch.
When R' Katz comes to the United States to meet with potential DEC students around the country, he makes time to visit with Alumni. These days there is a giant cluster of alumni in Kew Gardens Hills, both at
Lander College as well as THE HOUSE on 147-09 75th Avenue, which is home to DEC alumni working or going to graduate school in the area and basically functions as the non-official DEC Frat House.
View Larger MapWe are used to seeing R' Katz give his shiurim around the table, but this past Thursday night THE HOUSE living room became the setting for the alumni shiur. There were over 25 students in attendance and another 10 other alumni were live online sending in questions and comments. Morris Isaacson, one of the alumni arrange for the shiur to be live webcast, but if you missed it
you can still catch it online at the following link
Another example of the connection of DEC alumni is when our talmidim get married. The custom has developed to not just invite individual friends from your year in yeshiva, but all DEC talmidim from all years of the yeshiva's existence
Two recent examples come from
Josh Musicante Year 5 whose wedding is coming up IY"H in Baltimore on January 18th, as well as
Ben May Years 5 and 9 (as madrich) whose wedding is scheduled IY"H for March 1st in London. These events become mini DEC reunions as rebbeim and talmidim get together and simcha dance for the chassan and kallah.
Mazel Tov to Josh, Ben and all of us. We look forward to seeing ourselves at these simchas and many more...