One of the Shabbatons that we look forward to every year at
Derech Etz Chaim is the Golan Shabbaton. The yeshiva spends the Shabbos in the town of Nov and trades the urban Har Nof for a peaceful weekend in the rural Golan. It is so beautiful up in the Golan, sometimes it's hard to find our way back to Jerusalem

We don't have too many pictures from Shabbos, but we have a few from the Thursday and Friday that we spent up at the Golan. Although it is breathtaking to hike around the Golan terrain, and visit interesting historical battle sites, the students always find the
Golan Winery to be the most enjoyable of all. Nechemia please give someone else a turn.

Students get to taste test different Golan wines and act as wine connisores whafting in the fruity wine aroma and swirling it around in their wine glasses. Below we have from left to right: Jeffrey Small, Alex Bistritz and Yitzy Fox learning about some of the finer points on Kosher wines.

And here is a final picture of a beautiful Golan sunset
Photo Credits: Avraham Trieger
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