Monday night (2nd night of Chanukah) both
R' Sheftel and the
Rosh Yeshiva had shiurim for their respective afternoon shiurim. On Tuesday night it was morning seder's turn with
R' Gittleman and
R' Mendel both entertaining.
Here is a photo of the yeshiva singing Ma'oz Tzur on the 3rd night of Chanukah in the
DEC beis midrash. The boys lit their personal menorahs in the Richard Gersten Memorial Library.

From Wednesday until Sunday the yeshiva had a brief ben hazmanim. Some students took the opportunity to travel, others spent time with parents and friends that were visiting Israel over Chanukah, but others stayed in Yeshiva and continued learning -- albeit with a less intense schedule. R' Gittleman's shiur continued to meet in the morning and some students stayed in the shiur room and continued on, long after their rebbeim had gone home....

Monday we were back to normal. R' Wolff and his shiur made a siyum on the 8th perek of Gitten and started the 9th. We are looking forward to students to step up their learning and chazarah as we enter the main stretch of winter zman about 9 weeks until Purim.
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